Sunday, January 1, 2017

this year: learn to recognize grace
to stay in its spot
light and wind
and go when it’s gone

even though it means giving up
your shiny warm things
your face on the screen
your knowing this and that always you knowing
pretty things I wish to know?

broken heart: I have something to say!

If it is balming: Yes
If it is bingeing: No

Leaning over the crib trying to reason
No Hugs

I judge my neighbors haven’t seen anyone do it any other way really haven’t you?

You can learn to recognize grace
You cannot choose who carries it 
or when
or how

grace might be a loud thing too
taking it all up
in a mouth 

crying it out

this year: learn to recognize grace
to stay with it until you change 
and when that's done 
you've seen grace go

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